For some reason the majority of people consider sailing or boating to be a summer time activity. As soon as college football starts boats and boaty things get put away until the following spring. For those that live in the frozen north this may be a necessity. For people in the southerly regions who put their boat away for the winter it is a crying shame.
If you must put your boat away in winter due to temperature, dropping water levels or other reasons that doesn't mean you have to turn to other things to fill the void of sailing and boating. If you are so inclined you can take on a few winter time projects that will keep your hand in sailing and ease the recommissioning in the spring.
Clean Your Canvas
Winter is the perfect time to give your canvas a good cleaning. As part of a thorough cleaning your canvas will get a good inspection. You are likely to find all sorts of little issues you never even noticed during the fun filled boating days of summer.Once you cleaned your canvas and identified any issues you are all set to get those little problems addressed and your canvas shop is going to love you for bringing in clean canvas to be worked on.
Repair and Upgrade Your Canvas
It's hard to these kinds of repairs during the season since it means you my spend quality sailing and boating time without your canvas while it is off at the canvas shop being repaired Repairing and upgrading your canvas is a perfect winter project that will eliminate problems and downtime during prime boating season when you get back on the water. Take your canvas home with you where you can give it a good once over in the warmth and comfort of your own home. You can identify potential problems and even get them taken care of while mother nature holds your boating urges at bay. Another benefit to winter canvas work, until your friends catch on, is shops tend to be less busy. Bringing work in to your canvas shop in the off season is a sure way to get in good graces with your favorite canvas guy.
Clean your Sails
If weather permits, give your sails a once over. Winter is the perfect time to clean, inspect and repair your sails. It's the same benefit as repairing your canvas, repairs in the off season mean you don't waste the prime time sailing season sitting at the dock while your sails are off being repaired.
As for cleaning, sails are expensive but you can get the most out of them if you keep them clean.
Plan Your Next Sailing or Boating Adventure
It's great sailing back and forth across your favorite bay or lake a summer long but that can begin to wear thin after awhile. Use your winter hibernation to plan some sailing adventures. Get out and see the sailing world, visit sailing destinations, if your boat is trailerable hitch it up and go somewhere for a new sailing venue.